The allure of running your business remotely while sunbathing on a Spanish beach is undeniable. This is entirely possible for those registered as self-employed and earning more than €2,520 per month.

But what about those whose business operates on marketplaces like Ozon, Wildberries, etc.? Can they become digital nomads and travel the world without borders? Today, we’ll explore this question.

Marketplaces and Nomadism

Even if you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, UGE might doubt whether your activities can be conducted entirely remotely.

First Reason: The contract. The platform provides only an offer contract, not a personalized one. This means you may not be able to obtain a letter granting permission to work from Spain, which is a crucial document for your application.

Second Reason: The doubts of immigration officials. They might question whether you will need to be physically present for shipping goods, resolving issues at a warehouse, or attending meetings to sign contracts.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you have no chance at all. If you can prove the opposite of these factors, you can certainly try your luck. However, it’s better to consult with us first 🙂

By the way, we’ve already posted about individuals like bloggers, hairdressers, psychologists, and tutors.

What about online stores?

Let’s say you, as a self-employed person, have a physical store in a city and also run a social media page where you advertise and sell your products (not through a marketplace). What then?

At the very least, your document package will expand. You’ll need to prove that all your employees can perform their duties without your presence. Perhaps your store interacts not only with individuals but also supplies goods to legal entities—in that case, you should include such contracts.

In any case, this scenario is quite risky as it deviates from UGE’s standard paradigm and requires a careful and individualized approach to ensure everything is done correctly.

Our direct messages are always open for your questions, so if you have any doubts—reach out!

See you in the next articles.