Tax optimization and accounting

Are you planning to move to Spain or are you already living there? We will help you understand the local tax system.


We work with a licensed Russian-speaking tax expert (Gestor Administrativo No. 3776 Icogam).

We work with a licensed Russian-speaking tax expert (Gestor Administrativo No. 3776 Icogam).

Down with bureaucracy!

We will take care of the full range of tax procedures, including tax planning and reporting.

We'll save your money

We will use all available deductions and reduce your taxes.

We know what to do with crypto

Do you earn income or do P2P exchanges in crypto? We'll tell you how to do it safely.

Do you work with foreign counterparties?

Hestor will tell you how to work properly with VAT in Spain.


Consultation with a Russian-speaking licensed Spanish “hestor” (Gestor administrativo 3776 ICOGAM)

Will analyze your case;

Will answer all questions about the operation of the Spanish tax system;

He will tell you how you can save on taxes/declare cryptocurrency;

Written consultation is possible;



/1 hour

Turnkey management of your accounting

It is necessary for all nomads who applied as individual entrepreneur/self-employed and opened Autónomo in Spain;

We will take care of all bureaucratic procedures related to taxes, their planning and reporting;

We will reduce your tax base through benefits and various loopholes that have been developed over the years of practice.



when paying monthly (+ 21% VAT if buying from Europe)


€1 000

when paying one year in advance (+21% VAT if buying from Europe)

A detailed description of the reporting process

Autónomo opening and social security staging

Mandatory procedure for all nomads who applied as self-employed/sole proprietors;

The service is fully remote.


3-5 days



for the service

Digital signature release

Required for access to Spanish public services: Ayuntamiento; DGT (GAI), Tax Office (AEAT);

It is done remotely.


3-5 days



for the service

Setting up on Beckham mode



for the service

Частые вопросы по испанскому налогообложению

Могу ли я учиться на английском?

Оставьте заявку на сайте или напишите нам в личные сообщения в Telegram. Мы бесплатно рассмотрим ваш кейс и порекомендуем наиболее оптимальную программу релокации. Также мы закрываем практически все потребности будущего релоканта: Шенген, подбор оптимального ВНЖ, налоговое сопровождение, подбор жилья/школы - с нами переезд в Испанию пройдет максимально комфортно.

Как можно оплатить услуги? 

Мы очень гибкие: вы можете оплатить на счет ИП в РФ, криптовалютой; на счет нашей компании на Кипре и даже европейской картой по ссылке. В случае оплаты на Кипр или европейской картой, идет комиссия + 7% к стоимости услуги.

Есть ли у вас офис в Испании?

Нет, мы компания нового формата - все эксперты в Помогаторе работают удаленно. Большая часть сотрудников проживают в Испании, поэтому если вам нужно сопровождение или переводчик, то мы сможем вам помочь.

Всех сотрудников Помогатора объединяют две вещи: любовь к Испании и богатый опыт решения бюрократических проблем в этой стране.

Есть ли у вас реферальная программа?

Да, конечно. Пишите нам на, и мы подберем оптимальный формат сотрудничества с вами.

Comments and reviews

Find more successful cases in our channel @digital_nomad_easy!

☄️Perhaps the most long-awaited approval!

The applicant provides IT services to an Armenian company as an Independent Contractor.

The document on the existence of the company was taken from the state register in Armenian, notarized into English, and then a sworn translation into Spanish was made from it. As there are no sworn translators in Spain who translate directly from Armenian.


All the documents collected within 11 working days 🤩

The applicant provides programming services to a Korean company. Since he has dual citizenship, some of the documents were for one passport, and some were for another.

The filing deadline is one of the key factors in a case. The applicant clearly indicated the dates on which he would like to submit, and therefore only 11 days passed from the moment of his first contact with us until the filing (taking into account the work of sworn translators!).

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New positive review with an interesting case!

The applicant provides services in the field of WEB development to a company from Russia. The package of documents is standard, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities without a notarized copy and an apostille.

👀 From the unusual: the applicant’s wife applied for a residence permit using a new passport with a new surname, although entry into Spain was with the old passport, where the Schengen visa was issued for the old surname.

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Another case for the collection!

The applicant provides marketing and promotion services to a UAE company.

During the consideration of the application at UGE, there was a wave of additional requests for affixing an apostille on an extract on the existence of the company, despite the fact that the instructions from UGE did not stipulate this anywhere in the database (by the way, anything can be additionally requested!).

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The fastest approval of a Schengen multiple visa in our practice!

A young couple applied for a Schengen multiple entry visa to Spain from Armenia. The husband is a sales manager in a big beverages company, and the wife is an individual entrepreneur in Russia. They already had several Schengen visas in 2018-19, but after that the wife changed her last name, and the husband changed his passport.

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We come to you with fresh approval!

The applicant is an Independent Contractor who provides IT services to a US company.

The list of documents is standard: a contract, an extract on the existence of the company, certificates of good conduct from the Russian Federation and Georgia.

While waiting, an additional request came: to provide police clearance certificates from all countries where the applicant had lived for the last 2 years. Apparently, suspicion was aroused by the fact that the applicant’s passport was issued at the Russian Consulate in Indonesia 🤔

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Approval with an unusual follow-up request

The applicant cooperates with a company from China in the field of logistics. The extract about the existence of the company was in Chinese and English, so the sworn translation was carried out from English. Entry into Spain was through Andorra (they put a stamp on the border).

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Another endorsement, friends!

The applicant was an individual entrepreneur who provides consulting services to a company from the Russian Federation.

The package of documents is standard, except for one thing: the applicant's extract does not reflect his net arrival, but parishes, followed by expenses for subcontractor services, materials, etc.

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Not only nomads, but also Schengen

Always grateful for your feedback! This time our case was a Schengen visa. Within 10 days after submission, the applicant received the coveted approval and a visa for a month 🔥

Congratulations to her!

Thanks for your feedback!

Briefly about the case:

The applicant applied as an individual entrepreneur whose work was paid once a quarter. After a long wait and additional request, on 8.08 the guys received the long-awaited Digital Nomad residence permit for 3 years 🥳

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New case!

The applicant was the chairman of the Bar Association in the Russian Federation. As we wrote earlier, being a lawyer is considered a regulated profession in Spain, so it requires homologation of a diploma, which takes at least 1 year 😥

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A new addition to the September approvals box

The applicant was a Russian citizen who provides audit services as an individual entrepreneur of the Russian Federation to legal entities from the Russian Federation. Since his reward is in rubles, when submitting, we calculated it at the ECB exchange rate (1 euro = 117 rubles).

Used when serving standard package documents for individual entrepreneurs, he was accompanied by a promise to register with social security in Spain.

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Here comes a fresh endorsement!

This time, the applicant is a Russian citizen, but provides services to a US company. Two more family members applied for a digital nomad residence permit with him.

The set of documents is classic. In the course of the work, a couple of nuances emerged:

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Hooray! We have a new approval in our arsenal 🥳

The applicant is employed in the Russian Federation; 3 family members applied for a Digital Nomad residence permit together with him. The package of documents is standard, except for some points:

The police certificate had to be submitted not only from Russia, but also from Turkey, where it is issued immediately in Spanish

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Your feedback is priceless!

The case is as follows:

The applicant has an individual entrepreneurship registered in Georgia and provides services to an EU company. Another familiar was submitted to Digital Nomad along with him. There were several nuances in the design, which we successfully dealt with:

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2 more approvals: receipt history

Among those 4 approvals, we received 2 silencio approvals: main applicant+spouse.

The task was as follows: to modify the Digital Nomad residence permit from student temporary residence permits. The main applicant is an individual entrepreneur of the Russian Federation who provides services for another individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation.

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Fresh review

Yesterday our follower posted a heart-warming chat post 😌

Case: Passing fingerprints for a Digital Nomad residence permit in A Coruña without a residence permit.

The man came to us in private messages for advice, and we were happy to help him.

Let's congratulate him!

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It looks like things are going well: new Digital Nomad residence permit approvals

They only recently wrote about delays — how approvals began to arrive 😁

Yesterday, 4 lucky people received their coveted “favorite”, and here's a review from one of them!

👥 A person provides services for a company from Kazakhstan, an open-ended contract.

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Another important approval of the Shengen visa is through the Spanish Visa Center in Yerevan.

The applicant is a Russian citizen who does not permanently reside in Armenia.

The main difficulties are: “catching” a place to record, a fairly low approval rate, and the need to obtain a social card in Armenia.

The preparation of documents and review took a total of 4 weeks.

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We wanted to share an unusual case from one of our clients: obtaining a Schengen visa at the Spanish Consulate in Mexico 🌵🌵

The applicant is a Russian citizen living in Mexico on the basis of a residence permit, so the visa application was submitted there.

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We are publishing for you a fresh successful case study on Full Support for our client.

The client received approval along with his family and is very happy!

Now we fingerprint it using our method, register it with the tax office and advise on tax optimization.

Digital Nomad
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Digital Nomad
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Digital Nomad
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More reviews

Don't know which residence permit is right for you?

Our managers will analyze your case and select the best way to relocate!

We wanted to share an unusual case from one of our clients: obtaining a Schengen visa at the Spanish Consulate in Mexico 🌵🌵

The applicant is a Russian citizen living in Mexico on the basis of a residence permit, so the visa application was submitted there.

Despite the absence of application queues, the main difficulty is the very low percentage of approvals from foreign citizens + the first Schengen in a “clean passport”.

The preparation of documents and review took a total of 3 weeks. As a result, obtaining a visa, albeit on the date of travel 🙂


Another important approval of the Shengen visa is through the Spanish Visa Center in Yerevan.

The applicant is a Russian citizen who does not permanently reside in Armenia.

The main difficulties are: “catching” an appointment, a fairly low approval rate, and the need to obtain a social card in Armenia.

The preparation of documents and review took a total of 4 weeks. The travel itinerary was described in great detail, and all tickets were purchased, but with the possibility of exchange/return.

As a result, you will get a visa for 2 weeks. 🙂🙂

To get advice on a Schengen visa:



It looks like things are going well: new Digital Nomad residence permit approvals

They only recently wrote about delays — how approvals began to arrive 😁

Yesterday, 4 lucky people received their coveted “favorite”, and here's a review from one of them!

👥 A person provides services for a company from Kazakhstan, an open-ended contract.

Some of the documents were translated by our translator, and some by a sworn translator.

By terms:

17.07 submission was made

11.08 — pre-request: a declaration of no offenses and an obligation to register with social security because the Spaniards did not open their files 😅

22.08 — approval 🎉

Let's congratulate him!

And for advice, you can contact us in private messages 😉



2 more approvals: receipt history

Among those 4 approvals, we received 2 silencio approvals: main applicant+spouse.

The task was this: modify from student TRPs to Digital Nomad residence permits. The main applicant is an individual entrepreneur of the Russian Federation who provides services for another individual entrepreneur in the Russian Federation.

The package of documents is standard: a passport, a TIE, a service agreement, a diploma, a CV, proof of the existence of a counterparty... Everything except a police certificate — those who already have a temporary residence permit or a Spanish D Visa may not provide it.


29.06 — submission;

On June 27, the scheduled review period passed. They waited a couple more days and submitted silencio administrativo for approval on August 1, based on silence on the part of the administrative authorities;

22.08 approvals came 🥳

Now the guys have a digital nomad residence permit for 3 years!

As you can see, it's okay that answers come at the wrong time. And with the support of our team, you will definitely have nothing to worry about 😉

“Don't hesitate and get a consultation”



Hooray! We have a new approval in our arsenal 🥳

The applicant is employed in the Russian Federation; 3 family members applied for a Digital Nomad residence permit together with him. The package of documents is standard, except for some points:

• A police clearance certificate had to be submitted not only from Russia, but also from Turkey, where it is issued immediately in Spanish

• The certificate from the Social Fund of Russia (SFR) was issued according to the old model

• The extract was from the Bank of the Russian Federation with the usual translation into Spanish

Have you accepted it? Sure!

22.07 — submission

22.08 — approval without further requests 🎊

As a result:

The whole family will have a digital nomad residence permit for 3 years!

Do you want to be among the nomads? Please contact us for advice



Fresh review

Yesterday our follower posted a heart-warming chat post 😌

Case: Passing fingerprints for a Digital Nomad residence permit in A Coruña without a residence permit.

The man came to us in private messages for advice, and we were happy to help him.

Let's congratulate him!


Your feedback is priceless!

After yesterday's post, a chat follower left a review.

The case is as follows:

The applicant has an IP registered in Georgia and provides services to an EU company. Another familiar was submitted to Digital Nomad along with him. There were several nuances in the design, which we successfully dealt with:

• The authorities did not check the main applicant's declaration of entry and requested it again.

• The income was uneven: a month was slightly more than the required minimum, a month was slightly less. This did not have a big impact, as you can refer to the required annual income.

• Previous work contracts were attached as proof of work experience.


15.07 — submission

10.08 — additional request for an entry declaration

28.08 — submission to Silencio Administrativo Positivo

30.08 — approval 🎉

The main applicant was approved by a standard application (Conceder), and the familiar one was approved by silence (Silencio Administrativo Positivo).

We are always happy to receive your feedback! ❤️ ‍ 🔥


Here comes a fresh endorsement!

This time, the applicant is a Russian citizen, but provides services to a US company. Two more family members applied for a digital nomad residence permit with him.

The set of documents is classic. In the course of the work, a couple of nuances emerged:

• The electronic bank statement was in English, without “wet printing”:

• Family approvals were 10 days late

By terms:

19.07 — submission

16.08 — approval without further requests 🤩

The result:

All family members now have a Digital Nomad residence permit for 3 years!

Do you want to get a visa/residence permit to Spain but don't know where to start? Please contact us for advice!



A new addition to the September approvals box

The applicant was a Russian citizen who provides audit services as an individual entrepreneur of the Russian Federation to legal entities from the Russian Federation. Since his reward is in rubles, when submitting, we calculated it at the ECB exchange rate (1 euro = 117 rubles).

Used when serving standard package documents for individual entrepreneurs, he was accompanied by a promise to register with social security in Spain. The applicant came from Spain, so an additional declaration of entry from the Alicante police was attached.


06.08 — submission

01.09 — approval without further requests 👏


Thanks for your feedback!

Briefly about the case:

The applicant applied as an individual entrepreneur whose work was paid once a quarter. After a long wait and additional request, on 8.08 the guys received the long-awaited Digital Nomad residence permit for 3 years 🥳

We're always happy to see your feedback in our chat room, just as we're happy to answer your questions. If you are embarrassed to write there, please contact us in private messages!



One more approval, friends!

The applicant was an individual entrepreneur who provides consulting services to a company from the Russian Federation.

The package of documents is standard, except for one thing: the applicant's extract does not reflect his net arrival, but parishes, followed by expenses for subcontractor services, materials, etc.

What did we do?

An explanatory letter, a price list with services and invoices were attached to the extract.

By date:

17.08 — submission

14.09 — approval without further requests 🤩

Let's congratulate the September nomad with their reactions!


New case!

The applicant was the Chairman of the Bar Association in the Russian Federation.

As we wrote earlier, a lawyer is considered a regulated profession in Spain, so he requires the homologation of his diploma, which takes at least 1 year 😥

What did we do?

The administration was documented that the applicant would not practice law in Spain, and this position was exclusively administrative and representative.

The rest of the list of documents was standard when applying from hire.

By date:

16.08 — submission

13.09 — approval without further requests 🔥

Don't be afraid of your cases, come to us for a consultation where we will answer all your questions:



Approval with an unusual pre-request

The applicant cooperates with a company from China in the field of logistics. The company's existence statement was in Chinese and English, so the sworn translation was made from English. The entrance to Spain was through Andorra (they stamped the border).

And now the most interesting part: an additional request comes in. “Bring a certificate from the Spanish Tax Office (AEAT) confirming that the applicant has no debts” 👀

It turned out that the complainant had 2 old, unpaid speeding fines when he had previously come to Spain as a tourist. The problem with this pre-request was that a certificate from the AEAT is being made up to 20 business days, and the response to the additional request is given 10 🤯

How did you decide? They sent a payment and an explanation letter. A few days later, the certificate itself arrived, and we completed it, despite the fact that the response period had already passed. Within a few hours, the whole family received approvals!

By date:

11.08 — submission

06.09 — additional request

22.09 — approval 🥳

Pay your fines on time, friends.

Let's congratulate the family on receiving the nomad!


We come to you with fresh approval!

The applicant is an Independent Contractor, which provides IT services to a US company.

The list of documents is standard: a contract, an extract about the existence of the company, no criminal records from the Russian Federation and Georgia.

While waiting, an additional request came in: to provide police certificates from all countries where the applicant had lived for the past 2 years. Apparently, suspicions were raised by the fact that the applicant's passport was issued at the Russian Consulate in Indonesia 🤔

What did we do? They again attached certificates from the Russian Federation and Georgia, as well as an old passport and an explanatory note that the applicant did not live in Indonesia, did not have a residence permit there, but only stayed as a tourist for some time.

By date:

14.08 — submission

08.09 — additional request

19.09 — approval 🤩

Let's congratulate him with his reactions!


Another piggy bank case!

The applicant provides marketing and promotion services to a company from the UAE.

During the consideration of the application, UGE received a wave of additional requests ( to place an apostille on the company's statement of existence, despite the fact that the instructions from UGE do not state this anywhere in the database (by the way, anyone can rerequest anything!).

The UAE does not participate in the Hague Apostille Convention, so they do not apostille documents there, but rather carry out their consular legalization. The original is certified by the UAE Foreign Ministry, then at the consular section of the Spanish Embassy in Abu Dhabi, after which it is translated into Spanish. The process can take about 3 weeks, and an additional request is given 10 days. We were fully prepared to take action.

On the 15th day of review, an additional request comes in...

... send the mother's notarized consent for the children to live with their father in Spain, although the whole family applied together 🤔

What did we do?

They answered in writing: gentlemen, here is my mother's application number, she is also under consideration, waiting for a decision:)

By date:

08.09 — submission

29.09 — additional request

06.10 — approval 🔥

Congratulations with your reactions!


Approval in 11 business days 🤩

The applicant provides programming services to a Korean company. Since he is a dual citizen, some of the documents were for one passport, and some for another.

The submission deadline is one of the key factors in the case. The applicant clearly indicated the dates on which he would like to apply, so only 11 days passed from the moment he first contacted us to his submission (taking into account the work of sworn translators!).

The package of documents was standard, except for two things:

1. The police clearance certificate from the UAE was legalized at the Spanish Embassy in Abu Dhabi, as it could not be apostilled (the UAE did not sign the convention);

2. The company document was in Korean, but with a notarized translation into English, so we translated it directly from English.

By date:

16.09 — application submission

05.10 — approval without further requests in just 14 working days 🥳

Congratulations with your reactions!


The fastest approval of a Schengen multivisa in our practice!

The young couple applied for a Schengen multivisa to Spain from Armenia. The husband is a sales manager at an alcohol company, and the wife is an individual entrepreneur in Russia. They already had several Schengen visas from 2018-19, but the wife then changed her last name, and the husband changed the passport itself.

What we did:

We strengthened the guys' legend in advance so that officials would not have any questions.

We also wrote a detailed cover letter for the consul, asking him to draw attention to the fact that the couple had previously had a good visa history and had never broken the rules. They also explained that the wife's surname changed, and the applicant (spouse) had a passport.

The result:

They submitted documents on September 7, 2023, and received approval on September 22, that is, exactly in 2 weeks! And the visa was obtained for 2 weeks.


A new approval with an interesting case!

The applicant provides Web development services to a company from Russia. The package of documents is standard, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities without a notarized copy and an apostille.

👀 Unusual: the applicant's wife applied for a residence permit with a new passport under her new surname, although she entered Spain with her old passport, where the Schengen visa was issued under her old name.

Therefore, we have attached an explanatory letter stating that it is legal to have 2 foreign nationals in the Russian Federation + we have attached both of them to the submission.

Submission — 12.10

Approval without further requests - 30.10 (in just 12 working days!!)

You know who to contact for quick approval 😉


☄️Perhaps the most awaited approval!

The applicant provides IT services to an Armenian company as an Independent Contractor.

The company's existence document was taken from the state register in Armenian, notarized into English, and already sworn into Spanish. There are no sworn translators directly from Armenian in Spain.

The submission was made on August 1, on 30 August, the applicant was submitted for approval under Silencio administrativo, and then there was... silence.

For our part, we regularly sent reminder emails to UGE. And after another angry letter, the long-awaited approval came — on October 20, 81 days after the documents were submitted... On the other hand, we got a residence permit for 3 years!

Please contact us in private @EL_POMOGATOR for advice and assistance in obtaining a residence permit in Spain.
